Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Anticipating May Flowers

Out back, behind the house on what used to be my parents property there was a special little spot. It was a small patch that I would venture to at least once a week during the end of March and well into April. The reason that I would go there was for one reason. That reason was to pick May flowers. It was the only place on the property that I knew with certainty that they grew year after year. The flowers were small with petal of purple and sometimes white. They looked like a small violet only I have never found out exactly what they were.
                There was always anticipation from the time the snow started to melt and the time when the little flowers came into bloom. Because when they did bloom it was sure that spring was upon us and that meant warmer weather. When I finally found them I would gather up a small bouquet to bring in to my mother. She was always glad to get them, so it felt good for me to share them with her.
                Today I am reminded as I look out my window of what it takes to have spring flowers. The day is cold, wet and dark, unlike the warm sunny days that a wonderful little flower needs to come forth from the earth. As well, I am reminded that not long ago, there was snow on the ground with freezing temperatures. How amazing it is that we need to go through winters to enjoy the little things that come after.
                As I am currently between ministry assignments, it somewhat feels like a long “winter.” I eagerly await for a glimpse of spring. I long to take my walk and see the May flowers. For where there are the signs of spring, there is certainly more hope to come. Maybe you have been there before as well. Even in the midst of your circumstance, you are not alone and there is hope to come. In the greatest love story ever, the writer of the Song of Solomon reminds us 11 for behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. 12 The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. Song of Songs 2:11-12 (ESV) Everything has its season, even in the darkness of winter and the rains of spring we can know that there are bright and precious things to come.
                God does not leave us is the same season all the time. We can anticipate that God has a purpose and a place for us. We may have to endure winter for a season, but God is still with us. Jesus reminded his disciples, 27 Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Luke 12:27 (ESV) Let’s continue to anticipate the May flowers together and know that God continues to help us through. If God takes care of the flowers of the field, how much more He will take care of those who he calls His own.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Celebrating the Marvel and Mystery

Luke 24:1-3 (ESV) 1 But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. 2 And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they went in they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.  

                Most people like a good mystery, I know that I do. You get into the story, get to know the characters and then watch the twist and turns as it all plays out. We know that in the end, the bad guy will get his punishment and the good guy will get the girl. The mystery and suspense keeps us going to the end of the story and then we are surprised with a witty and surprising ending.
                As I reflect upon the life and death of Jesus in many ways it can be compared with the greatest of mysteries ever. At what we think is the end comes one of the greatest twists ever. Just as we think the hero Jesus has been overcome by the very power of death and evil, Jesus prevails victorious as he emerges from the grave. What an amazing event, and a mystery to behold. Jesus is the victor. Jesus is the fulfill-er of prophesy to overcome death.
                Once a year as followers of Christ Jesus we celebrate Easter. This is a celebration of the greatest event ever to happen in history. We gather together for worship and fellowship. We get together with family and friends to eat and visit. But when the ham is gone and the good dishes are put away what do we do? Life goes back to normal and we begin to think about Mother’s Day or the Fourth of July.
                I have begun to think that one day is not enough. That one hour of worship and a ham for dinner is not enough. I want to challenge myself and anyone else who will take it one to remember the resurrection each and every day. There should be no limit to the marvel and mystery. There should be no limit to the power and the victory of Christ. If we truly believe in who Jesus is as the very Son of God who rose from the grave then shouldn't we live as such? Shouldn't we embrace the mystery, the marvel, the victory and the power? I know that I want to continue to embrace it all and live it out in my life every day.
                I still like a good mystery. The mystery of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection will continue to make a different in the world. It will continue to play out in peoples lives for them to know the wonder of the One True God.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Connectedness and an Electric Charge.

    When I was in my teens I was electrocuted. My parents were doing some remodeling to the house one summer and we were staying in a camper. One morning I was outside, ran to the camper door with my wet feet and .............ZZZZAAAARRRRRPPPPPP! 220 volts running through my body. It was a shocking (LOL) experience and probably explains my strangeness to this day. I remember that electric charge going into my arm, through my body and then down to the ground. If I had not fell backward I probably would have been crispy.
    As I reflect about that still today, and then relate it all to my Christian life, I long for that "groundedness." I think we all do. It is so easy to have the Word, prayer, worship, and even stewardship in and around us all the time. However, until we are grounded to God, nothing in us is ever going to happen in His will. It just sits there waiting, waiting, waiting, and then gradually dissipates into empty space. However, living with God, living unto God, and being grounded in God makes the whole difference.
    One of the warnings I have always shared with friends, family and the church is that facts and knowledge about God are not enough. We can easily attain lots of information about God. But it takes more than just information. It takes a rooted relationship. Without the rooted relationship, without the "connectedness" to God we have no power. Maybe that is the reason the Trinity is such an amazing realization about God. When we are connected to God we are connected to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is the power. This is the electric charge for the Christian. This is how the power flows.

I pray that we all find this kind of power from on high.

Breaking Through the Barrier?

Written a couple years ago. Thought it needed to be shared again.

I hate trying to drive in the snow. Especially in a vehicle that is not meant for such climates. My minivan is one such vehicle. I love it, but it is no fun when there is a little snow on the ground. Just the other day I got stuck in the church parking lot. There I was spinning my wheels stuck in a snow bank, with a line of people waiting to get by me on the street. I got moved a little and they finally went around me. It was disappointing and discouraging. I really want another truck but know it is not feasible.
How many people today are like my van? I know that often I am, especially when it comes to prayer. I try and I try and I try to pray, yet get nowhere. I do not feel accomplished, I do not feel the movement that should come with prayer. Instead, I am spinning and spinning.
Recently I have been reading and trying to do some study on prayer. Reading from Andrew Murray in The Prayer Life and reading Jesus' parable in Luke 18, I find myself needing to be more and more like the widow. If I seek justice then I need to go to the Source of Justice. If I seek answers then I need to go to the source of where those answers will be given and not give up until they are. If I really desire the answer then I must believe that it will given.
I have found that when you are stuck, that any movement is good movement. That means that you still have the potential to move. Sometimes it will take a push. Sometimes it will take some backing up and getting a better track. Whatever it is - keep moving. You are certain to have a breakthrough soon.

Keep Praying, Keep Praying, Keep the Faith!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Man Who Wore a Hat – Part 4

                Are you ready? Have you been WAITING for this last installment?
OK I will not put it off any longer.

                The walls were pink, and near the ceiling there was a flowery border of yellow, maroon and baby blue. Hanging on the walls were some ornamental decorations that looked like vines and more flowers. To complement the wall hangings were lithograph pictures from a bygone era that invoked a feeling that grandma lived here. Toward the front of the room were colorful banners, live flowers, and draperies over the windows. White frilly doilies were placed under each the flowers and the candle stands. The floors matched the walls only in a darker shade that made it look almost luxurious.
                Environment makes a difference. How would the man who wore a hat feel in such an environment that was described above? Is this a place where he would feel comfortable? Is this a place where he would be willing to return? The above description is a compilation of many churches that I have visited. Thankfully not all of the items were in one place. In their own right are innocent and yet most do not see their offense.
                My suggestion is not that we do away with all aesthetics, but rather that the church take an honest look at the environment and make appropriate changes to become friendlier to men. I would suggest that most men prefer the simple. Color is OK, but it is best to refrain from the pastels and feminine colors as well as that type of décor. Most men do not mind going to their grandmother’s house, but we do not want our churches to look as such. If there are not some changes made soon, I am afraid that church as we know it today will become extinct. Men need to come back to church. They need to be the men that God wants them to be.
                What are some of your ideas to get the interest of men back to the things of Christian faith?


                Recently I caught a show on television regarding the best BBQ place in America. One of the places featured was a church in Texas that weekly had a food stand that featured BBQ. My thought was that this is the perfect way to bring men and the church together. This is the kind of church I desire to be a part of. Where the men are together in Christian fellowship, out in God’s wonderful country, sitting around a fire pit, eating some wonderful BBQ and giving God the glory he deserves. I think that is possible. Pray for the men to return to faith.

Monday, April 7, 2014


    I am taking a culinary interlude to share with you about the BEST grilled cheese sandwich I have ever had. Now, I have to admit that I did make it however, it is the ingredients that will blow you away. Simple and delicious! Here is my recipe!

Fresh Italian Bread buttered on the outside.
3 slices or one layer of Fresh Brick Cheese
3 slices or one Aged Monta Kuh Cheese (Basically this is a one year aged brick cheese)

Grill it. That is it!
Of course I had it with some tomato basil soup.

This is the best ever. The brick cheese has a similar texture of a mozzarella yet it is not so stringy. The Monta Kuh is like a mild white cheddar with just a little bite. It's texture is a little softer but very smooth. I know that most of you will never find these cheeses but my thanks to the folks at Shultz Family Cheese in Lowville for making a quality product that is far above anything else. If you are local go get some!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Man Who Wore a Hat – Part 3

                I like music. I will listen to most kinds of music in fact, even rap if it is somewhat tasteful. But my taste in music is not necessarily like my wife’s. My taste in music is not necessarily like yours. Let me first state that I believe in need for contemporary music in the church. I also believe in the need for traditional hymns and choruses. My struggle however, comes from the thought that too much of our church music sounds like songs we would sing to a lover or romantic interest.
                Once again all of this boils down to men and their comfort level. I am not afraid to say that Jesus is my King and Savior. I am not afraid to say that I am thankful for what Jesus did for me upon the cross. I am even bold enough to say that I love Jesus Christ the Son of the Most Holy God. But to sing it like I would to my wife in a romantic setting is completely foreign. I have come to the conclusion that if in a praise song you can substitute the word “baby” for the name of Jesus it may be that the song may not be suitable for men.
                Recently I went through a few of the top praise songs. Many would fall into genre that I just mentioned above. I believe for men we would liken our relationship with God as one would to a general in a battle instead of over a love relationship. We need a King and Conqueror. We need a Lord and a Savior. We need a rousing song of encouragement and praise to move us forward to the battle lines. To help take the punishment of every day and to rouse us to stand up for Jesus! A romantic relationship is safe and secure while a battle is action and adventure. As men, for the sake of the Gospel we cannot afford to be safe and secure. There is a battle waging and there are people perishing without a savior if we do not do something about it.
                Is there a solution to all of this? I believe so. Just be thoughtful in worship of the music selection. I would try a 2-1 formula. For every three songs make two men friendly and the other can be geared to the softer side.
Let me know what works for you. How do you get the men in church to worship and sing their praises?

Remember to be waiting for the final installment to be coming soon. So remember to follow this blog. Thanks!