Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Man Who Wore a Hat – Part 3

                I like music. I will listen to most kinds of music in fact, even rap if it is somewhat tasteful. But my taste in music is not necessarily like my wife’s. My taste in music is not necessarily like yours. Let me first state that I believe in need for contemporary music in the church. I also believe in the need for traditional hymns and choruses. My struggle however, comes from the thought that too much of our church music sounds like songs we would sing to a lover or romantic interest.
                Once again all of this boils down to men and their comfort level. I am not afraid to say that Jesus is my King and Savior. I am not afraid to say that I am thankful for what Jesus did for me upon the cross. I am even bold enough to say that I love Jesus Christ the Son of the Most Holy God. But to sing it like I would to my wife in a romantic setting is completely foreign. I have come to the conclusion that if in a praise song you can substitute the word “baby” for the name of Jesus it may be that the song may not be suitable for men.
                Recently I went through a few of the top praise songs. Many would fall into genre that I just mentioned above. I believe for men we would liken our relationship with God as one would to a general in a battle instead of over a love relationship. We need a King and Conqueror. We need a Lord and a Savior. We need a rousing song of encouragement and praise to move us forward to the battle lines. To help take the punishment of every day and to rouse us to stand up for Jesus! A romantic relationship is safe and secure while a battle is action and adventure. As men, for the sake of the Gospel we cannot afford to be safe and secure. There is a battle waging and there are people perishing without a savior if we do not do something about it.
                Is there a solution to all of this? I believe so. Just be thoughtful in worship of the music selection. I would try a 2-1 formula. For every three songs make two men friendly and the other can be geared to the softer side.
Let me know what works for you. How do you get the men in church to worship and sing their praises?

Remember to be waiting for the final installment to be coming soon. So remember to follow this blog. Thanks!

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